04 Comprehensive Ecological Profile Analysis


This qualitative analysis will determine the presence/absence and balance of the entire microbiome of the soil/compost/product in question.


This qualitative analysis will determine the presence/absence and balance of the entire microbiome of the soil/compost/product in question.

This analysis provides the following data:

  • Beneficial organisms
  • Total bacteria biomass (μg/g)
  • Total fungal biomass (μg/g)
  • Total amoebae (#/g)
  • Total flagellates (#/g)
  • Total actinobacteria (μg/g)
  • Presence of bacterivore nematodes (#/g)
  • Presence of fungivore nematodes (#/g)
  • Presence of predator nematodes (#/g)
  • Non beneficial organisms
  • Total Oomycete biomass (μg/g)
  • Total ciliate biomass (#/g)
  • Presence of root feeding/parasitic nematodes (#/g)
  • Pathogen and disease bacteria (yes or not applicable)
  • Facultative anaerobes
  • Bacteria (“Yes” or “Not Applicable”)
  • Soil Biology ” Soil Food Web”


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